Cas's Bio:
Go To Seed
Posted June 17, 2013 | Patience, Trust
“Go To Seed” Written By Cas Andersen I used to the think that people who were really into gardening just didn’t have very much going on in their lives. They probably liked plants more than people and that’s why yard work was all they could talk about. I thought tending plants and nurturing harvests […]
Without Fail
Posted June 12, 2012 | Love
Here’s one thing I love: Fact. The absolute. That which is stable, unvarying, fixed. Why? Because fixed and faithful and sturdy is exactly what I am NOT and exactly what this world fails to deliver as well. It was one of the things that God used to make me His: inimitable, absolute truth. […]

Apathy / Complacency / Ruler / King / responsibility / Jesus / God / Christian LivingCREATIVES